Saturday, March 29, 2008

Got My Condoms On Broadway.....

So Saturday while I was waiting on the number...uh..34? bus i think. It was fucking snowing and I was cold as fuck. Naturally me being the "make this bad situation into a good one" kinda guy that I am I decided to converse with the people sitting in the window on the top floor of their apartment across the street. We shared in normal conversation, ya know hey hows it going saturday night this and that wheres the party at it was all good then conversation stopped cause my voice became hoarse and what not. Then shortly after that the people sitting in their window started calling for us. Naturally i was like...WHAT THE FUCK WE ARE BOUT TO GET SHOT. So I tried not to pay any mind to what they were saying. Luckily Aisha, not only brave but courageous too, ran across the street full of exuberence< excuse my poor spelling. As she reached the the other side of the street these people using purple yarn lowered six comdoms out their window to us and yelled somethin like its a celebration enjoy yourself bitches!

the stuff that will happen to you on broadway....thats why I love the 6


uhlenah said...

man .. that was hella funny bro ... it was the 43 actually .... and they were like BE SAFE or somethin lol ..... but you were hella like they're gonna shoot us ! ahhaha .... wow ... that was hella random .... got my condoms on broadway bitch ahah ....

de Stijl said...

That's funny shit!